I graduated from college in the spring of '09 and been in the "real world" since October. I'm an accountant for a medical advisory company and its just ok. It pays the bills and I have learned a ton of interesting stuff, but I have also learned that I don't want to be in the corporate world. I can't stand being behind a desk all day stuck in a cube.
I'm a total goof and try to make people laugh all the time. Turns out i'm pretty good at it, but that doesn't mean comdey is in my future ;-) My ultimate dream is to open a coutry bar one day. I love country music and I love drinking and getting other people drunk, so I believe this could work well someday. I love being outdoors and I am a total Jeep fanatic. I love mine to death, and unlike most guys who turn their heads for hot woman, (which i definitely do) I also turn my head for every built Jeep that passes me.
When you are reading my blog here, you are going to find all kinds of things, and all kinds of stoires. Some stuff is gonna be funny, some is going to be sad. Sometimes I am just going to rant about something on my nerves at that time. Other times I am going to be looking for help, advice, or insight into something I don't understand.
I won't be shy, and sometimes i'll be crude. But everyone here becomes a friend, and i'll share with you the truth, reality, and all the details I would share with any of my friends.