Thursday, March 3, 2011

Nabbing That First Kiss

On the drive home from work yesterday, one of the radio stations I listen to was talking about first dates and if they should involve kissing. It was interesting to hear all the people who called in and gave their opinions. It seemed that a lot of guys were calling in saying they didn't kiss on the first date out of respect for the women. And then a lot of women were calling in saying they wanted a kiss on the first date. I'm not sure if guys were just calling in to sound nice and gain some points or something, but this is how I feel about this whole thing.

I can easily call myself a kissing whore. I can go out and find a woman who I don't think is attractive, but yet still end up sucking face with her later that night. 99% of the time, I have been the one who makes the move for the first kiss. It has never mattered to me whether it was the first date, or the fifth. If I feel like kissing you, I'm going to do it. If you reject me, that's your call, but I'm not going to be mad about it. Maybe you just weren't ready. But again, I'll let the woman make that call.

I feel like the guys who were saying, "I don't kiss on the first date out of respect for the woman", are the same guys who are going to end up ordering the woman's meals for her when they go out. Who ever told you that you need to make a decision for a woman?
Maybe she wants to kiss you really bad, but is just too afraid to make the first move. Don't take it upon yourself to decide what is best for the relationship. What if the girl moves in to kiss you? Are you going to deny her because you are trying to "respect" her?

This is why people have so many problems with dating these days. Everyone is trying so hard to not make previous mistakes and trying to figure out what the other person wants, that they forget dating involves you as well. What about what you want? You should always take care of yourself first when it comes to the beginning of any relationship. I mean let's be honest here, if you like someone and want to talk to them, go talk to them. Do you expect them to just come talk to you? Not always gonna be the case. Make the move. Go for it. Have some courage. What's the worst that happens... they say no (in some fashion).
You can't be scared of rejection. Everyone likes confidence. The more confident you are with yourself and your actions, the more comfortable someone else is going to be with what is happening.
If I timidly try to kiss a girl, chances are the kiss isn't going to be great and she isn't going to want another.

When a person thinks about themselves in the beginning of a relationship, it shouldn't be mistaken as just being selfish. You are both trying to figure out if this is something that could go somewhere am i right? So why would you neglect everything that is important to you, just so that you become the "perfect match" for the other person. That person has to be a perfect match for you also. Respect shouldn't be misconstrued as taking control of a relationship. Respect is being considerate of the other person's feelings and opinions.

Enough jibberish... If you have a chance to kiss someone, just go for it.


  1. This is hilarious and I'm a kissing whore too. I just love to kiss :)


  2. kissing whore too.

  3. I think your point of view on this is right on. I haven't had a first date in a while (being married and all), but when I was dating I had no problem making the first move. I always had the mind set you are describing - if I wanted something I was going to go for it. No sense waiting for someone else to possibly get the hint. I wish more people would be like this. I feel like it would really cut down on the game playing! Although why you would want to make out with someone you don't even think is attractive is beyond me :)
