So it's time for blog #2 on here. My friend Jessica has really got my interest in all of this. I love the FB and love writing notes on there, but somewhere along the lines it became a little cliche in my opinion, so I don't write as many as I used to.
Today is Thursday, and for those who know me, that means it's time to head dowtown and scope out the talent. This has been a tradition for quite sometime now. I remember when Jake and I first started going downtown on Thursdays... It was only because it was ladies night at cowboy lounge lol. Man those were good times. Now days things have changed a lot... I've changed a lot. I still enjoy the whole downtown scene, but what was once a night to meet as many chicks as possible and leave the bars with a phone full of new numbers, has become more of a night to relax, tell stupid stories, play beer pong at lodos, and just enjoy spending time with the people I already know. "Scoping out the talent" or "downtown for ladies night" just isn't how I see it anymore. I see thursdays a completely different way now days. I can't really explain it i guess.
The one thing that I do know, is that I'm going downtown tonight to celebrate with my bar buddy Kels. I love that girl to death! I honestly can say that I have never had a bad night when that girl has been out with me. I'm also hoping that the "new girl" comes out and meets up with me. She's a sweet chick.
YOU BLOG :D k sorry. I hope you guys have a great time tonight. Wish I would have had the energy to come with you guys tonight. Have a great time.