Thursday, September 23, 2010

Longest week EVER

Maybe it's just me, but I feel like I have been working 10hr days for 7 days straight... When in reality i've been working more like 7-8hr days for only 3.5 days.

Maybe it's that the end of the month is always slower for me at work and so i just get bored easy.

Maybe it's because both of my bosses feel the need to keep piling up these stupid little projects for me that don't have shit to do with anything. All it is is busy work that keeps me from walking out of here at 4:30 everyday.

Maybe it's because my damn asthma (so the doctor says) has been keeping me busy coughing for over a week now, instead of letting me sleep at night.

Maybe it's because I haven't had a beer this week.

And maybe... It's because I got slapped in the face again today with the reason why I hate the corporate world... Upper managment does none of the dirty work, yet reeps all the benefits for those who do.

Anyhow, i'm done ranting and I'm gonna head to Buffalo Wild Wings for lunch. Gonna try and stay positive for the rest of the day and think of this song...

Because after all, tonight is THURSDAY BITCHES!! So ya'll know it's time to head downtown for beer pong and tail chasing.

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