Today is technically my Friday... HURRAY!! I took thursday and friday off of work for all the wedding stuff going on with my friends. I think i really need this time off. I'm not sure if i'm completely burned out from work, or burned out on life in general at the moment, but I just have no motivation. I need to have some serious fun and forget about all the stressfull things that have been burning in my head lately.
Tonight is a GREAT night to start having fun. For the last few weeks I have been putting the bachelor party togther and I am sooo STOKED! It's gonna be pretty epic i think. I'm just hoping that it all works out how I have planned... but... if i've learned anything about life, it's that NOTHING ever goes as planned. So... lets just hope that the utter chaos is good and we all have a good time.
Is it 5 yet?? NOPE?? DAMN... not even 1 :-(
I'm hopeing we recieve a "Hangover-esque" review!