Friday, January 14, 2011

Apparently Hot Friends are a NO-NO!

Since when is it a crime to have a facebook profile picture of you and your friend? I'll tell you when... When you are a man, and your friend in the photo is a woman, and NOT the woman you are dating. That's when!

A couple weeks ago I wrote this post about how I went out for my friend Kel's birthday. This week she posted the pics from that night and in most of the pics I look retarded or I'm doing something stupid, but there is one of me and Kel where I think that I look damn good. I love the picture! I tend to not be serious when taking photos, so there aren't a ton of good ones of me on facebook. When I finally get a good one, I like to make it my profile pic for awhile. Now like I mentioned in that post, Kel is very attractive, but her looks shouldn't matter. She is JUST my friend. We have never BEEN more, and I'm 99% sure we will never BE more. A friend in a picture is a friend in a picture. Shouldn't matter if they are female or male, but apparently it does.

Ivy told me last night that she saw that I changed my photo. She asked who the girl was. I told her my friend Kel, who I have talked about before. I have never hid anything from her when it comes to the women in my life (except when I was seeing Chi at the very beginning of meeting them both. I'm not stupid enough to tell a woman I just met that I met another woman too who I've gone on a few dates with). Ivy is well aware that I have many friends that are girls. That's just the way it is. It has always been that way and always will. That doesn't mean I'm out screwing them all, nor do I want to.

Anyways, this morning I get on FB and notice that Ivy had changed her status to, "Can't sleep. Can't stop thinking. I hate when I over analyze him"


When I first met Ivy, I knew that she had a facebook because she had told me. I refused to be friends with her on there, because we barely knew each other, and I have found out that it is pointless to add someone as a friend just because you like them. If things go sour, you don't want to see what they are up to, but then you don't want to delete them because then you will look like the immature one. So I found the best way to deal with this, is to just not become friends with girls you are dating untill it gets serious. Well, as you can probably tell, we have gotten a bit serious recently, so last week I friended Ivy. BIG MISTAKE!

Because now I gotta deal with this shit. Don't try and analyze my profile, or my pictures, who's writing on my wall, or who's wall i'm writing on, or my status updates, or any of that! So now, as you can see from my FB badge, I went out of my way to cut Kel out of the pic in hopes that that will ease Ivy's mind.
           Note: Yes. That hand on my shoulder is Kel's. So now I probably look like a prick to Kel for cutting her out when her hand is obviously in the picture ---------------------------------------------->

 Maybe i've just been irritable the past few days, but this really got under my skin today, and here I had a really nice post for y'all that I have been putting together for a couple days now. I don't like to post twice in a day, so I guess that will have to wait.

Have a solid weekend y'all!!

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