Like I mentioned the other day, one of my good friends from college came and visited me last week from AZ. He arrived on Tuesday, and it was a shit show everyday until he left yesterday. You know that Black Eyed Peas song, "Party All the Time"?... Yea... that was us for 5 days. From the moment we arrived at my house at 7pm Tuesday night, we were intoxicated in some way, shape, or form every night until Sunday morning. And what did we do all day?? Sleep and watch movies. It was a great vacation!
Tuesday night we drank some beers at my place and then went to a bar for a beer pong tourney where we polished off 4.5 pitchers between the two of us. After a few long naps on Wednesday, we headed out to a bar to watch the Arizona bowl game. Since Brain goes to UA now, this was a must. We drank heavily once again and roamed around downtown all night. Made it to bed around 4am. Thursday we slept majority of the day again and then started the best night of the 5 days in my opinion.
A really good friend of mine turned 22 that day. We went over to her place to pregame where her and her friends pregame harder than anyone I know. Before we walked out the door to the bus stop, we took shot after shot after shot after shot. Now Kel is absolutely gorgeous, and has an amazing body, so i feel it is totally ok for her to show it off. Well, it was about 5 degrees Thursday night and Kel insisted on wearing shorts. Although she said her legs don't get cold that often and that we were going to be inside all night, this turned out to be a bad decision. We hit up a few bars and had a lot more drinks before 2 am came around. I did some good old swing dancing and caught up with a few friends I saw out that night. When the time came to get on out, we had to carry Kel out. She was so wasted we had to hold her up and she was practically incoherent. As it snowing, we start looking for a cab to hale. NOTHING. We couldn't find a single cab which was very abnormal for a Thursday night downtown. We started walking to another corner where every cab that passed us had people in it already. Kel started shaking really bad because she was soo cold. Shorts in 0 degree weather for any length of time probably isn't good, so the fact that we are standing out in it for 15-20 mins can give you an idea how cold she was. My intoxicated self started to freak a bit for Kel safety and so I started running down the snow covered streets of Denver chasing cabs. Now when I say running down the streets, I literally mean, RUNNING... IN THE MIDDLE OF THE STREET. I would see a cab 2 blocks down with it's light on, so I'd sprint that way. Before I could reach it, someone would jump in. I'd then turn and see another cab, 2 block another direction. I'd haul ass to that one. Someone would get in. I'd turn again... CAB! Taking off once more for disappointment. I was finally able to catch a cab and bring it back to my friends standing in the bitter cold. HERO? Naw!! Just a drunk dumbass!
On Friday, we slept off Thursday night and started drinking again around 5pm. We played lots of drinking games that night and went to a pretty awesome party. I got my first New Years kiss in about 6 years from Ivy. Although her intoxicated self freaked out on me a little bit at the end of the night about where we were going relationship wise, it was still a pretty awesome night. I was never upset with Ivy at all, but the next day she apologized for her freak out. Saturday we all went to a hookah bar and then finished by drinking some beers at my place.
It was a week filled with all kinds of events, and I totally showed Brian I haven't lost my party touch. We totally finished out 2010 with a BANG!!
Wow, I feel drunk just from reading this post! Sounds like a blast! Wish I had more friends here in LA that knew how party! Oh the good ole UofA days!