Thursday, December 2, 2010

Red Flags a Flyin'

Recently I have heard a lot about "red flags" while dating someone. And I have never understood what these are. I mean, because to me, every person you ever meet is going to be different and unique compared to any other person. But, any person could also have simular qualities or tastes or attributes as any other person as well. But that doesn't mean two people are the exact same. That doesn't mean that just because you hear one thing that you don't like about something is enough to equal a failing relationship.

I might have found the realization to the "red flag" saying tonight though.

When you find youself not wanting to know more about a person because you are afraid of what you might find out... THAT'S A RED FLAG!

When you are laying next to someone asking yourself the question, "Why am I even here?"... THAT'S A RED FLAG!

When you are trying to kiss someone and they just pucker up with no passion... THAT'S A RED FLAG!

When you tell someone you want to take them on a surprise date, and they guess what it is and then say, "Maybe we can just go to dinner instead"... THAT'S A RED FLAG!

When you tell someone that you like hangin out with them and their only response is, "Aww, you're sweet"... THAT'S A RED FLAG!

Red flags do not mean "Keep going for it". They are called red flags for a reason.



  1. When you're watching the other undress with the facial expression that they're "So hot" yet you're thinking "Put it back on, put it back on..!" ..Iiiiiis THAT a red flag??

  2. Haha, that would be a red flag Jess.

  3. When they tell you that they just got out of jail last night... RED FLAGG!
