Monday, October 11, 2010

Facebook Status Hypocrites

This past weekend was pretty mellow for me besides Thursday. Like i mentioned in last Wednesday's blog, I went out with the intention of hunting for chicks. In the process of this, I got totally lit. Normally that doesn't happen on a Thursday for me, but I was with my Regis boys and figured what the hell, we can always cab back to their place. I ended the night with 2 new numbers in the phone, but neither looks too promising for hanging out anytime soon. That's all good with me... Givesd me someone else to drunk text besides my ex's (example:Last weekend).

Firday i hung out with a lady friend and watched the new Robin Hood movie. Thoroughly disappointing! The movie was very slow and tried to ramp up the 2.5 hours by ending with about 15-20 mins of solid action. I didn't enjoy that much, although I did watch the whole thing. Overall, i'd give it a C+.

There is one big thing that I think I have been learning over the past couple months, but seemed to come to fruition this weekend... You ever noticed on everyone's facebook how they might post a quote as their status, or right under their picture they have a quote that they supposedly "live by" or that "depicts them perfectly". I 'm calling bullshit on 90% of these.

Let me be the first to call myself a hipocrite. The following quote is on my FB...
"Life is too short to wake up in the morning with love the people who treat you right, forget about the ones who don't, and believe that everything happens for a reason."

I regret a lot of things, and I certainly don't forget about the people who don't treat me right. I usually fall back on the same old people and forgive and forget all too easliy and frequently. I'm not saying that I don't try to make this quote a true statement in my own life, because I do. I try hard, it just doesn't always seem to represent me well.

I have thought more and more about this, because when I meet someone, a girl for example, I usually look at their quotes to see what kind of person they might be through those, but I often find out that the same person doesn't represent those quotes at all. Example 2...
"At some point, you have to make a decision. Boundaries don't keep others out, they fence you in. Life is messy. That's how we're made. So you can waste your life drawing lines, or you can live your life crossing them."

This quote was on the FB of a girl who I dated for about a month when all of a sudden she told me, "things are moving too fast" & "i'm not ready to let you in". If you really live by the previous quote, then why would you not want to just give things a chance and see where they go? I don't get it, but I guess you can choose to live by anything at any given time and then take it back whenever you want. That's the best quality of a human am I right... The right to choose.

I once thought that words could make everything ok... If I said something meaningfull, it would make a difference. Someone could bring ease to my thoughts by some phrase. I'm learning though, that no matter what, people lie. It's hard to trust someone's words. They only way true trust can be built is from actions. If you can back your words up with actions that show the exact same thing, then I will have no reason but to believe you.


  1. I would tend to agree with you to a certain extent. I'm one of those people who is pretty up front about who I am and my Facebook profile depicts who I am. If I say I live by something, I generally do, and I'm also not so keen on adding someone as a friend until I know they are going to be in my life...Facebook can go one of two ways, from my experience. Someone is who they say they are and what you see is what you get. And then there is the other way...

  2. Uh oh I have quote #2 on my Facebook haha! Except I do actually try and follow it, hence why I sometimes end up getting screwed over when I've been willing to take a risk. But I would rather live that way than never take a chance on anything.

    Anyways, I do agree with you that many people are hypocrites. A guy who was downright mean to me has this quote on his FB "Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle."-Plato. Ummmm sure. It is easy to put a quote down on paper that you didn't even have to think of yourself, but a whole different situation when it comes to actually living up to it. I try to avoid judging potential significant others by their FB quotes because I have definitely learned that actions speak louder than words and some people really just suck.
